TTEP 2024 - call for tutorial proposal

The Tutorials &
Education Group (TEG) of the IEEE Computer Society Test Technology
Technical Council (TTTC) organizes in 2024 a comprehensive set of Test
Technology Tutorials to be held in conjunction with TTTC sponsored
technical meetings. The objective of this common call is to invite
submissions for tutorial proposals in order to enable selecting the
best fitted tutorials for each technical meeting, as part of the annual
Test Technology Educational Program (TTEP).
The TTEP 2024 tutorials program includes (but is not limited to) the following technical meetings:
- International Test Conference India (ITC-India’24)
- International Test Conference Asia (ITC-Asia’24)
- International Test Conference (ITC’24)
- Asian Test Symposium (ATS’24)
- Latin American Test Symposium (LATS’25)
3D chiplet testing
Artificial Intelligence for Test
Automatic test equipment
Board-level testing
Built-In Self-Test
Data analytics
Defect oriented testing
Design for testability
Diagnosis and debug
Embedded core testing
Failure analysis techniques
Functional safety
High-speed interface testing
Memory testing
Mixed-Signal/Analog testing
Nanometer technology testing
On-line and field testing
Performance/Delay testing
Microprocessor testing
Power issues in testing
Reliability and Automotive testing
Secure DfT
System-level testing
Test economics
Test resource partitioning
Test related standards
Testing machine learning engines
Verification and Validation
Wafer testing
Yield optimization and test
Deadline for tutorials proposals
May 15th, 2024.